Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders is a 2016 American animated superhero film produced by Warner Bros. Animation and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures.Based on the 1960s Batman TV series, the film stars Adam West, Burt Ward, and Julie Newmar reprising their roles of Batman, Robin, and Catwoman from the series.
2016 搞笑 欧美 超级英雄 OVA dc 剧场版
Grey Griffin Burt Ward 小野大輔 Jeremy Irons 高木渉 Kevin Conroy Jim Meskimen 加隈亜衣 Alan Tudyk 大塚芳忠 Brenton Thwaites Mark Hamill Christian Bale Jensen Ackles Anne Hathaway 玄田哲章 Val Kilmer Michael Keaton Ben Affleck